8 research outputs found

    Optimization of Trading Physics Models of Markets

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    We describe an end-to-end real-time S&P futures trading system. Inner-shell stochastic nonlinear dynamic models are developed, and Canonical Momenta Indicators (CMI) are derived from a fitted Lagrangian used by outer-shell trading models dependent on these indicators. Recursive and adaptive optimization using Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) is used for fitting parameters shared across these shells of dynamic and trading models

    Probability tree algorithm for general diffusion processes

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    Motivated by path-integral numerical solutions of diffusion processes, PATHINT, we present a new tree algorithm, PATHTREE, which permits extremely fast accurate computation of probability distributions of a large class of general nonlinear diffusion processes

    Optimization of Trading Physics Models of Markets

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    We describe an end-to-end real-time S&P futures trading system. Inner-shell stochastic nonlinear dynamic models are developed, and Canonical Momenta Indicators (CMI) are derived from a fitted Lagrangian used by outer-shell trading models dependent on these indicators. Recursive and adaptive optimization using Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) is used for fitting parameters shared across these shells of dynamic and trading models.

    1.1. Path Integral Solution of Diffusion Processes

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    Motivated by path-integral numerical solutions of diffusion processes, PATHINT, wepresent anew tree algorithm, PATHTREE, which permits extremely fast accurate computation of probability distributions of a large class of general nonlinear diffusion processes. Ke ywords: path integral; statistical mechanic